20th Century Fox
“Deadpool” is the biggest movie in America right now, and it’s not even a fair fight.
It now holds the record for highest opening for an R-rated movie of all time. Oh, “Deadpool” is rated R? “Deadpool” is a superhero movie? You don’t say. “Deadpool” is one of the most hyped movies of the year that happened to come out during February, where movies tend to go to die.
Hey, it turns out this one isn’t so bad. But, is it great?
For the past few days a lot of people have asked me if they should see “Deadpool.” When answering the daunting question of “how was it?” my answer has been, “it’s fun enough.” “Deadpool” does just enough to be a good movie. It tries really hard, and I appreciate that. As somebody who tries really hard but doesn’t always get the best results, I respect and appreciate effort. Hell, give “Deadpool” the Superhero Movie Participation Ribbon it deserves!
One thing you can’t call “Deadpool” is empty. There is a surprising amount to unpack here. There is bad, and there is good.
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